Pianist Martín García García
March 7 Tuesday at 7:30 pm
Catch a rising star
Spanish pianist, international winner
Last year, Spanish pianist Martín García García joined the likes of Sergei Babayan, Angela Hewitt, Jean-Yves Thibaudet by winning the Cleveland International Piano Competition — known as one of the most intense, prestigious and highly rewarded ($75,000 prize!) musical contests in the world. Then he went on to win at the Chopin Competition in Warsaw. Our Margaret Baxtresser Annual Piano Concert, this is a special opportunity to catch a rising young star.
Watch Martín García García perform.
Schumann's Symphonic Etudes Op. 13
One of the most astounding musical accomplishments of the 19th century, this work is as significant for Schumann as were the Goldberg Variations for Bach or the Diabelli Variations for Beethoven.
Brahms' Sonata No. 3 in F minor Op. 5
Brahms, enamored of Beethoven and the classical style, composed Piano Sonata No. 3 with a masterful combination of free Romantic spirit and strict classical architecture. He was barely 20 years old at the time. As a further testament to Brahms' affinity for Beethoven, the Piano Sonata is infused with the instantly recognizable motive from Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 during the first, third, and fourth movements.

Martín García García is a pianist born in Gijón, Spain. He began his musical studies at the age of 5, with his teachers Natalia Mazoun and Ilyà Goldfarb. Graduated from Reina Sofía School of Music, he studied there for more than a decade with Galina Eguiazarova -receiving from Her Majesty the Queen Sofía the prize for the Best Student of the chair-, he is also Master in Piano by Mannes School of Music in New York.
Martín has won first prize in several national and international competitions, highlighting his victory at 2021 Cleveland International Piano Competition, and his 3rd Prize at XVIII International Chopin Piano Competition (and the special award for the Best Concerto), the most relevant competition on the world stage.